The traits object consists of six slots, each a table
), that combined form a relational database of a
subset of PGS Catalog traits. Each trait is an observation (row) in
the traits
table — main table. All tables have the column
as primary key.
A table of traits. Columns:
- efo_id
An EFO identifier.
- parent_efo_id
An EFO identifier of
the parent trait.
- is_child
Is this trait obtained because it is a child of other trait?
- trait
Trait name.
- description
Detailed description of the trait from EFO.
- url
External link to the EFO entry.
A table of associated polygenic score identifiers. Columns:
- efo_id
An EFO identifier.
- parent_efo_id
An EFO identifier of
the parent trait.
- is_child
Is this trait obtained because it is a child of other trait?
- pgs_id
Polygenic Score (PGS) identifier.
A table of polygenic score identifiers associated with
the child traits. Columns:
- efo_id
An EFO identifier.
- parent_efo_id
An EFO identifier of
the parent trait.
- is_child
Is this trait obtained because it is a child of other trait?
- child_pgs_id
Polygenic Score (PGS) identifiers associated with child traits.
A table of associated trait categories. Columns:
- efo_id
An EFO identifier.
- parent_efo_id
An EFO identifier of
the parent trait.
- is_child
Is this trait obtained because it is a child of other trait?
- trait_category
Trait category name.
A table of associated trait synonyms. Columns:
- efo_id
An EFO identifier.
- parent_efo_id
An EFO identifier of
the parent trait.
- is_child
Is this trait obtained because it is a child of other trait?
- trait_synonyms
Trait synonyms.
A table of associated external references,
identifiers or other terms. Columns:
- efo_id
An EFO identifier.
- parent_efo_id
An EFO identifier of
the parent trait.
- is_child
Is this trait obtained because it is a child of other trait?
- trait_mapped_terms
Trait mapped terms.