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PGS Catalog entities are represented in quincunx as S4 objects. In this article, we explain how to subset these objects using the [ operator. In a nutshell, we provide subsetting by either position or by the object’s respective identifier. The main entities/objects are:

  • Scores
  • Publications
  • Traits
  • Sample Sets
  • Performance Metrics

The general approach to subset the various S4 objects is the same. Hence, to avoid repetition, we only provide a set of comprehensive examples for the scores object. Subsetting with the other objects is only illustrated when subsetting with identifiers to emphasise that different objects have different associated identifiers.

If you do not know how to subset the tables included in the S4 objects, please take a look at Subsetting tibbles.

Start by loading quincunx:

Subsetting scores

Subsetting scores by position

For illustrative purposes, let us get some arbitrary polygenic scores objects, say, the first 10 PGSs in the catalog:

pgs_ids <- sprintf('PGS%06d', 1:10)
my_scores <- get_scores(pgs_ids)
#>  ■■■■■■■■■■                        30% |  ETA:  7s
#>  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■                  50% |  ETA:  6s
#>  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■         80% |  ETA:  2s

The object my_scores is an S4 object of class scores, see class?scores for details. In quincunx, each S4 object contains at least one (the first) table where each observation refers to an entity. To access tables in S4 objects you use the @ operator. The first table in my_scores is scores:

#> # A tibble: 10 × 12
#>    pgs_id    pgs_name      scoring_file       matches_publication reported_trait
#>    <chr>     <chr>         <chr>              <lgl>               <chr>         
#>  1 PGS000001 PRS77_BC      https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                Breast cancer 
#>  2 PGS000002 PRS77_ERpos   https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                ER-positive b…
#>  3 PGS000003 PRS77_ERneg   https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                ER-negative b…
#>  4 PGS000004 PRS313_BC     https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                Breast cancer 
#>  5 PGS000005 PRS313_ERpos  https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                ER-positive b…
#>  6 PGS000006 PRS313_ERneg  https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                ER-negative b…
#>  7 PGS000007 PRS3820_BC    https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                Breast cancer 
#>  8 PGS000008 PRS3820_ERpos https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                ER-positive b…
#>  9 PGS000009 PRS3820_ERneg https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                ER-negative b…
#> 10 PGS000010 GRS27         https://ftp.ebi.a… TRUE                Coronary hear…
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: trait_additional_description <chr>,
#> #   pgs_method_name <chr>, pgs_method_params <chr>, n_variants <int>,
#> #   n_variants_interactions <int>, assembly <chr>, license <chr>

#> [1] 10

This table has as many rows as polygenic scores. This is one way of knowing how many scores there are in the object. Alternatively, you can use the function n() on the object:

#> [1] 10

It is important to know the number of scores if you plan to subset the my_scores object by position. In this case there are 10 scores. If you want to subset the first, fifth, and tenth score, then you could do:

my_scores[c(1, 5, 10)]@scores[1:2]
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   pgs_id    pgs_name    
#>   <chr>     <chr>       
#> 1 PGS000001 PRS77_BC    
#> 2 PGS000005 PRS313_ERpos
#> 3 PGS000010 GRS27

This returns a new object containing only the data for the scores "PGS000001", "PGS000005" and "PGS000010".

Notice that this operation automatically traverses all tables in the my_scores object and subsets all tables accordingly keeping only those rows corresponding to the first, fifth and tenth scores. For example, compare the table samples from the my_scores object before and after the subsetting.

Before subsetting:

#> # A tibble: 16 × 4
#>    pgs_id    sample_id stage sample_size
#>    <chr>         <int> <chr>       <int>
#>  1 PGS000001         1 gwas        22627
#>  2 PGS000002         1 gwas        22627
#>  3 PGS000003         1 gwas        22627
#>  4 PGS000004         1 gwas       158648
#>  5 PGS000004         2 dev         10444
#>  6 PGS000005         1 gwas        87368
#>  7 PGS000005         2 dev          5159
#>  8 PGS000006         1 gwas        87368
#>  9 PGS000006         2 dev          5159
#> 10 PGS000007         1 gwas       158648
#> 11 PGS000007         2 dev         10444
#> 12 PGS000008         1 gwas        87368
#> 13 PGS000008         2 dev          5159
#> 14 PGS000009         1 gwas        87368
#> 15 PGS000009         2 dev          5159
#> 16 PGS000010         1 gwas        86995

After subsetting with c(1, 5, 10):

my_scores[c(1, 5, 10)]@samples[1:4]
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   pgs_id    sample_id stage sample_size
#>   <chr>         <int> <chr>       <int>
#> 1 PGS000001         1 gwas        22627
#> 2 PGS000005         1 gwas        87368
#> 3 PGS000005         2 dev          5159
#> 4 PGS000010         1 gwas        86995

Subsetting scores by identifer

To subset by identifier you simply use a character vector with the identifiers of interest. Let us say now you want two identifiers: "PGS000002" and "PGS000008". Then only you need to do is:

my_scores[c('PGS000002', 'PGS000008')]@scores[1:2]
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   pgs_id    pgs_name     
#>   <chr>     <chr>        
#> 1 PGS000002 PRS77_ERpos  
#> 2 PGS000008 PRS3820_ERpos

Subsetting using repeated positions or identifiers

Please note that if you repeat the same position or identifier, you will get that score repeated:

my_scores[c('PGS000003', 'PGS000003')]@scores[1:2]
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   pgs_id    pgs_name   
#>   <chr>     <chr>      
#> 1 PGS000003 PRS77_ERneg
#> 2 PGS000003 PRS77_ERneg

quincunx::n(my_scores[c('PGS000003', 'PGS000003')])
#> [1] 2

Or using the third position twice:

my_scores[c(3, 3)]@scores[1:2]
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   pgs_id    pgs_name   
#>   <chr>     <chr>      
#> 1 PGS000003 PRS77_ERneg
#> 2 PGS000003 PRS77_ERneg

quincunx::n(my_scores[c(3, 3)])
#> [1] 2

Subsetting using negative positions

Just like with basic R objects, we can also use negative indices to drop elements of an object. This is also supported with quincunx’s S4 objects. For example, to drop now the first, fifth and tenth score:

# Notice the minus sign before c(1, 5, 10)
my_scores[-c(1, 5, 10)]@scores[1:2]
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   pgs_id    pgs_name     
#>   <chr>     <chr>        
#> 1 PGS000002 PRS77_ERpos  
#> 2 PGS000003 PRS77_ERneg  
#> 3 PGS000004 PRS313_BC    
#> 4 PGS000006 PRS313_ERneg 
#> 5 PGS000007 PRS3820_BC   
#> 6 PGS000008 PRS3820_ERpos
#> 7 PGS000009 PRS3820_ERneg

Subsetting with non-existing positions or identifiers

If you request a position or identifier that does not match in the object, the result is an empty object. For example, the 11th position is not present in my_scores so the returned object is empty:

#> # A tibble: 0 × 2
#> # ℹ 2 variables: pgs_id <chr>, pgs_name <chr>

#> [1] 0

Please note that the returned object is still a valid scores object and that it contains all the expected tables of such an object. It is just that all tables have no rows. The same behaviour is to be expected if you try to subset with non-existing identifiers:

#> # A tibble: 0 × 2
#> # ℹ 2 variables: pgs_id <chr>, pgs_name <chr>

#> [1] 0

Subsetting Publications

Subsetting publications objects, or any other S4 object in quincunx, works exactly the same way as described for scores. The only difference is that identifiers have to be changed accordingly. So in the next sections we only show how to subset using the respective identifiers.

# Get all publications where Abraham G is an author
my_publ <- get_publications(author = 'Abraham G')

# Note that the column `author_fullname` corresponds to the first author.
my_publ@publications[c('pgp_id', 'pubmed_id', 'publication_date', 'author_fullname')]
#> # A tibble: 11 × 4
#>    pgp_id    pubmed_id publication_date author_fullname
#>    <chr>         <int> <date>           <chr>          
#>  1 PGP000005  27655226 2016-09-21       Abraham G      
#>  2 PGP000007  30309464 2018-10-01       Inouye M       
#>  3 PGP000027  31862893 2019-12-20       Abraham G      
#>  4 PGP000028  24550740 2014-02-13       Abraham G      
#>  5 PGP000029  26244058 2015-07-16       Abraham G      
#>  6 PGP000052  32887683 2020-09-04       Cánovas R      
#>  7 PGP000137  34750571 2021-11-08       Ritchie SC     
#>  8 PGP000209  34039031 2021-05-27       Neumann JT     
#>  9 PGP000423  36655558 2023-01-19       Bakker MK      
#> 10 PGP000628  33444330 2021-01-14       Sun L          
#> 11 PGP000656        NA 2024-08-22       Ritchie SC

By visual inspection we can see that Abraham G is the first author in PGP000005, PGP000027, PGP000028, and PGP000029.

To keep only those publications we subset the publication object my_publ by those PGP identifiers:

my_publ[c('PGP000005', 'PGP000027', 'PGP000028', 'PGP000029')]@publications[c('pgp_id', 'pubmed_id', 'publication_date', 'author_fullname')]
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   pgp_id    pubmed_id publication_date author_fullname
#>   <chr>         <int> <date>           <chr>          
#> 1 PGP000005  27655226 2016-09-21       Abraham G      
#> 2 PGP000027  31862893 2019-12-20       Abraham G      
#> 3 PGP000028  24550740 2014-02-13       Abraham G      
#> 4 PGP000029  26244058 2015-07-16       Abraham G

Subsetting Traits

To illustrate subsetting of a traits object with EFO identifiers, let us say you’d like to create a traits object with traits whose trait name contained the keyword "lymph". To do this, we will start by downloading all traits into a traits object. Then we look for the term "lymph" in the trait column, and find which EFO identifiers are matched. Finally, we will use those identifiers to create a traits object containing only those matched identifiers.

Get all traits:

all_traits <- get_traits(interactive = FALSE)

Find which traits have in their name (trait column of traits table) the term "lymph" (we use grep for this):

lymph_traits_positions <- grep('lymph', all_traits@traits$trait)

all_traits[lymph_traits_positions]@traits[c('efo_id', 'trait')]
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    efo_id        trait                              
#>    <chr>         <chr>                              
#>  1 EFO_0000220   acute lymphoblastic leukemia       
#>  2 EFO_0000095   chronic lymphocytic leukemia       
#>  3 EFO_0000403   diffuse large B-cell lymphoma      
#>  4 MONDO_0018906 follicular lymphoma                
#>  5 EFO_0000183   Hodgkins lymphoma                  
#>  6 EFO_0004587   lymphocyte count                   
#>  7 EFO_0007993   lymphocyte percentage of leukocytes
#>  8 EFO_0004289   lymphoid leukemia                  
#>  9 EFO_1000630   marginal zone B-cell lymphoma      
#> 10 EFO_0005952   non-Hodgkins lymphoma

Select only those EFO identifiers whose trait name contained "lymph":

my_efo_ids <- all_traits[lymph_traits_positions]@traits$efo_id
#>  [1] "EFO_0000220"   "EFO_0000095"   "EFO_0000403"   "MONDO_0018906"
#>  [5] "EFO_0000183"   "EFO_0004587"   "EFO_0007993"   "EFO_0004289"  
#>  [9] "EFO_1000630"   "EFO_0005952"

Finally, create a new traits object (traits_only_lymph) with only those traits matching "lymph" by subsetting by identifier:

traits_only_lymph <- all_traits[my_efo_ids]

Confirm that indeed only those traits with "lymph" in the name are present:

traits_only_lymph@traits[c(1, 4)]
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    efo_id        trait                              
#>    <chr>         <chr>                              
#>  1 EFO_0000220   acute lymphoblastic leukemia       
#>  2 EFO_0000095   chronic lymphocytic leukemia       
#>  3 EFO_0000403   diffuse large B-cell lymphoma      
#>  4 MONDO_0018906 follicular lymphoma                
#>  5 EFO_0000183   Hodgkins lymphoma                  
#>  6 EFO_0004587   lymphocyte count                   
#>  7 EFO_0007993   lymphocyte percentage of leukocytes
#>  8 EFO_0004289   lymphoid leukemia                  
#>  9 EFO_1000630   marginal zone B-cell lymphoma      
#> 10 EFO_0005952   non-Hodgkins lymphoma

You might have noticed that we could have used lymph_traits_positions to subset all_traits by position instead to the same effect. That would have been more straightforward, but the point here is to illustrate subsetting with EFO identifiers. Moreover, as an exercise, you might want to compare the results obtained with this example with:

# Get traits containing the term 'lymph' in the name or its description
get_traits(trait_term = 'lymph', exact_term = FALSE)

# Get traits whose name is exactly 'lymph'
get_traits(trait_term = 'lymph', exact_term = TRUE)

Subsetting Sample Sets

To subset PGS Sample Sets you use identifiers of the form: "PSS000000". Here’s a simple example where we download two Sample Sets ("PSS000008" and "PSS000042"), and afterwards we take "PSS000008":

my_sample_sets <- get_sample_sets(pss_id = c('PSS000008', 'PSS000042'))

# Table `samples` contains the samples that comprise this Sample Set
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#>   pss_id    sample_id stage sample_size sample_cases sample_controls
#>   <chr>         <int> <chr>       <int>        <int>           <int>
#> 1 PSS000008         1 eval         6978          149            6829
#> 2 PSS000008         2 eval        27271           NA              NA
#> 3 PSS000008         3 eval         8749          108            8641

Subsetting Performance Metrics

Without much more creativity, you subset Performance Metrics objects with identifiers of the form: "PPM000000". Example:

my_perf_metrics <- get_performance_metrics(ppm_id = c('PPM000001', 'PPM000002'))

# Table `samples` contains the samples that comprise this Performance Metrics
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   ppm_id    pss_id    sample_id stage sample_size sample_cases
#>   <chr>     <chr>         <int> <chr>       <int>        <int>
#> 1 PPM000002 PSS000003         1 eval        53923        21365